The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen now presented as an over two-hour unabridged and seamless animated feature. Witness the no-holds-barred battle between the Justice League and an unstoppable alien force known only as Doomsday, a battle that only Superman can finish and will forever change the face of Metropolis. The Death and Return of Superman finds Superman in a fight to the finish when the Man of Steel becomes the only hero who can stand in the way of the monstrous creature Doomsday and his unstoppable rampage. Superman saves the planet, but not himself, leaving Earth’s citizens – and his heroic contemporaries – dealing with a world without Superman. The aftermath of Superman’s death, and the subsequent disappearance of his body, leads to a new mystery – is Superman still alive? The question is further complicated when four new super-powered individuals – Steel, Cyborg Superman, Superboy and the Eradicator – emerge to proclaim themselves as the ultimate hero. In the end, only one will be able to proclaim himself the world’s true Superman.
本片是迪斯尼1950年动画《仙履奇缘》的衍生剧情,辛德瑞拉(Jennifer Hale 配音)与王子(Christopher Daniel Barnes 配音)渡完蜜月,开始她在皇宫中身为王妃的生活,
在神仙教母的帮助下,辛蒂瑞拉(詹妮弗·黑尔 Jennifer Hale 配音)和王子(Christopher Daniel Barnes 配音)结合过上了幸福的生活。然而好景不长,邪恶的后母发现了辛蒂
华纳的下一部动画电影将是 《蝙蝠侠与哈莉·奎恩》(Batman and Harley Quinn)。将会是原创的新故事,由Bruce Timm撰写,并于2017年夏季发售。该动画的抢先预览会收录在4月
《巴哈姆特之怒 玛娜利亚魔法学院》动画改编自Cygames开发的卡牌对战游戏《巴哈姆特之怒》中游戏活动“玛娜利亚魔法学院”。不同于之前的《巴哈姆特之怒》动画的原创剧情,新作动画改编自游戏中的“玛娜利亚